Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Professional Development Plan Essay

My professional stick out is to grow as a apply by gaining knowledge through school and my daily experiences, so in five years I can c atomic number 18 for patients and families as a nurse practitioner. I leave alone launch briefly term and want term intents to help guide me down my path as I transition into the character of professional nurse providing me with brisk opportunities for my future. Beliefs and values influences the decisions nation make in their personal and professional life. My beliefs and values were incorporated to make my philosophy of breast feeding, that is to be an advocate for my patients and their family during their most vulner commensurate time, continuing my direction to provide the best quality care available and taking a holistic approach by looking at the person as a whole caring for their body, mind, and spirit (Chitty, 2007 p. 312).I believe nursing is an evidence based practice, the care provided to patients and family crap been proven thr ough question to be the safest most effective way to implement care. My values which exercise my beliefs defecate been acquired throughout my life from the people around me and my experiences. My values and beliefs will continue to change as I get older, experience to a greater extent experiences in my profession and further my education in nursing.One of my short term goals is to finish my baccalaureate degree in nursing. In basis of advancing professionalism, research was recently published, (Morris & Faulk, 2007), in which nurses were found to have change magnitude professionalism and growth in roles and values after attending an ADN to BSN program. That is what I am striving to achieve while going through the BSN program. I jut out on taking each class one at a time, trying to do my best, and gain the knowledge necessary to grow in my field. By August 2009, I should have my BSN which will provide me with new opportunities such as management and educator positions this de gree will in like manner provide me the opportunity to further my education to a masters level.My second short term goal will begin this summer, that is to father the evidence based practice, EBP, project on my progressive care unit, PCU, at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, BGSMC. Several of my co operate oners and I are presently gathering culture on research that suggests that providing patients and their families with written and oral information on the side effects of their medications will improve patient fit scores in a acute care setting. We meet in concert regularly, learning as a team how to initiate EBP into the workplace. Then mayhap in the future we will publish our findings.By fall of 2009 I plan on starting the Masters of Science in nursing/Family Nurse Practitioner program at the University of Phoenix so I will be able to sit for the national boards certifying exam by the end of 2012. Once I complete the requirements I must march on the documentation to th e Arizona State Board of Nursing. I then plan on working for an interventional cardiologist, which will give me the opportunity to work in both the hospital and office setting. Income is not the sole reason for my propensity to advance in my profession but it is serious to note that the U.S. enumerate Bureau 2000 data show that income levels arising as educational levels rise (Katz, Carter, Bishop and Kravitz, 2004). Income will enable me to continue my education and to obtain other goals in my future such as going to law school and travelling around the world.When discussing a professional development plan people have to keep in mind a persons maintenance system, resources available to them, their work ethics and what is needed to succeed. While one may be able to fulfill his or her goals without one or more of these things, adversities can dissuade many from following plans they set forth. Support and understanding from my family and friends would be a significant tool in h elping me achieve my goals. It may in addition be holdful to have mentors help to guide me along my chosen path to success. Financial assistance will also be needed to continue on with my learning process. Self-discipline, further education and experience are also required to be successful in my future role as an FNP.Self-discipline and time management skills are crucial to have in our fast pace speed of lives today. It becomes increasingly important in the students life to use time wisely. Students may have to everywherecome several(prenominal) hurdles and barriers along the way. It is important to be able to identify these issues it is the scratch step to overcoming them. Barriers may be financial, time restraints or lack of support from family and friends having the knowledge how to overcome these barriers and having bearup plans is what makes the difference between meeting your goal versus abandoning the goal.If faced with any of these barriers I will try to have a positiv e outlook and attitude, I will try to look on the bright side. Michaud (2002) observed that ones ability to bounce back from disaster and loss depends on the persons ability to use resiliency skills to conjure up positive emotions when he or she is challenged severely. I will monitor my stress level and use relaxation techniques circumstantial to me and my needs if necessary in order to avoid abandoning the goals that I have set.In conclusion, putting together a professional plan is an important step to obtaining desired outcomes. According to Alexander Graham Bell (2001) forward anything else preparation is the key to success. Values and beliefs will change over time, which will influence your original plan to formulate new goals, when this occurs a person must revaluate the resources available and challenge themselves to meet new goals. I will evaluate my plan to ensure I am staying on task meeting my goals that I have set forth so I will be successful in my future.ReferenceBell , A. G. (2001). _Quoteland._ Retrieved manifest 15, 2008, from http//www.quoteland.com/topic.asp?CATEGORY_ID=447Chitty, K. K. (2007). _Professional Nursing Concepts & Challenges (5th ed.)._ St. Louis Elsevier Inc. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from University of Phoenix Library.Katz, J., Carter, C., Bishop, J. & Kravitz, S. (2004). _Keys to Nursing Success (2nd ed.)._ Upper excite River, NJ Pearson Prentice Hall.Michaud E. (2000). Theres a secret to get from great adversity. The scientists who study it, and the people whove done it, share it with you. _Prevention Magazine_ (June). Retrieved March 15, 2008, from Proquest database.Morris, A., & Faulk, D. (2007). position transformation Enhancing the development of professionalism in RN-to-BSN students. _Journal of Nursing Education,_ 46(10), 445-51. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from Ebscohost database.

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