Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evaluation of Employee Training Demand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Evaluation of Employee Training Demand - Essay Example This process is the research problem source between employee and corporation performance. After this process judgment is made whether training can actually assist in solving the problem or not. What kind of training is required is also determined. In order to evaluate and make the judgment if the employee training will assist in solving the problem or not, a number of training and non-training elements need to be considered. The training factors that should be considered include: In this aspect it is important to determine if there is a real need for training or not. This need may arise from the decreasing organizational profits, decreased productivity, increase in the costs and ineffective operations of the organizations due to the lack of proper skills and non-performance of efficient practices by the employees. In this facet of evaluating employee training demand, you need to determine that if the training is needed, why it is needed. The possible reasons can be the changing global trends according to which the skills of the employees need to be polished, it can be a legal requirement, a customer need etc. Here you determine what kind of skills training is required. ... Therefore it is important to determine what core competency needs to be improved. Which employees need training It is also important to know that which employees need what training. This is because employees in different departments need different kind of skill sets and their knowledge and learning requirements are entirely different. For example, it may be necessary for the purchase department people to have the negotiating skills training while it may not be important for the quality control department employees. How and where will the training take place During the evaluation of employee training demand it is also important to know that how will the training take place, i.e. determining will the training sessions be conducted in the office timings or not, will the trainers be hired from within the company or not, will the training sessions be conducted in the office premises or not, etc. The evaluation of training demand should also include some non-training elements, such as organization structure, work environment, salary system and etc. as they have a strong influence on the corporation's conditions. These elements are discussed below: Organizational Structure: Organizations with hierarchical structures are more prone to redundancy of work assignments. Therefore there is usually there is less need for the training of all the employees in such organizations. However in flatter structured organizations, a single employee should have a broad skill set and therefore most of the employees in such organizations have a high demand for training. Organizational Work Environment: The work environment and the working conditions of the organization also are an

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Nonprofit Sports Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Nonprofit Sports Marketing Plan - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that UBA will be operating mainly for the population of Saipan. However, it plans to continue on its success, of organizing inter-Island tournaments. The main target market will be students of public schools who do not get enough opportunities to play high-quality Basketball. UBA plans to build a reputation and differentiate itself from its customer on the basis of its officials and referees. The capital expenditure is nonexistent for UBA thus risk associated with UBA will be very low. With dedication and expertise, UBA will grow into a nonprofit brand which is the symbol of Basketball in Saipan. With the advent of consumerism, a phenomenon not new to the human race has surfaced once again. As a result of capitalism, we live in a society which doesn’t give equal opportunities to everyone; some of our brightest talents are wasted because of a lack of opportunities. Thus the need arises for organizations which would compensate for this i nequality by providing free services to the young minds of tomorrow. Ventures such as these are not only an act of philanthropy, bringing our society together in an act of charity but also entrepreneurial in nature. They create jobs thus reduce unemployment and add to the GDP. Team sports are the basic tool in the upbringing of any child. They instill the basic sense of loyalty that is necessary to a tribal being such as humans. They provide the basic training in how to live in a society, how to belong to something else outside your own personality and a home. This is a feeling which later develops into nationalism and humanity. A very famous team sport is Basketball. With millions of diehard fans in America now the game is expanding fast to other nations of the world. Recently it became part of the Olympics as well. Basketball requires the players to display accuracy, strength, agility, and guile for success.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The History Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay

The History Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay Domestic Violence is a widespread problem both internationally and nationally (Tjaden and Tjaden, 2000; WHO, 2000; 2002). In the United Kingdom alone it has been reported that one in four women have experienced domestic abuse, at some point in their lives (BMA 1998; Bacchus et al. 2002 and BCS 2006). These statistics found do not represent the true context of the problem encountered by many professionals who may be in contact with these individuals and families. It has been widely reported that with this being a sensitive topic and the nature of the subject, it has been under reported and therefore not truly representative of how serious the problem is (REF). To define what domestic violence is it may be helpful to understand what kind of behaviours it may entail. The Home Offices definition of domestic violence is; Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. The issue of domestic violence has no boundaries in regards to gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, disability or socio economic status. Having said this, it has to be acknowledged that indeed some research does suggest equal prevalence of both male and female perpetrated violence (Straus et al. 1980; Mirrless-Black, 1999 and Morse, 1995). Research has suggested this has failed to account for other kinds of abuse and focused largely on physical assaults. A large error in such studies is in their use of self-completion questionnaires. The use of this tool has been criticised for the heavy emphasis on physical acts that have been taken out of context (Yllo, 1988; Dobash and Dobash, 1992). Thus between acts of self-defence or attack, there is no discrimination nor in the level of impact of the abuse or violence encountered. Mirrlees-Black (1999) however has recognised that the initial findings of her study that showed similar rates for men and women as victims of a violent relationship ma y not mean that men are equally victimised in the same manner as women. After close examination she found that men interpreted and managed their experiences in a different way to women. In fact men were considerably less frightened, much less injured, and least likely to seek professional help. There are cases of domestic abuse present in same sex relationships, or women as the aggressor towards men but historically, numerically and geographically the most occurring pattern is one of men and their violence towards women (Dobash and Dobash, 1992; and Mullender, 1996). Research has also found that for women the impact of domestic abuse is greater emotionally, psychologically as well as physically (Walby and Allen, 2004; Watson and Parsons, 2005; Womens Aid and the Women Abuse Studies Unit, London 2001). In addition it has also found steadily that as many as one in three women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lives (McGibbon et al. 1988; Mooney, 1994; Dominy and Radford, 1996). The presence of children in a household has also shown an association with twice the risk of domestic violence for women (Walby and Allen, 2004). In this sense children cannot help but be affected by their experiences of abuse. Hence, while the focus of study and understanding has mostly been achieved in eliciting women and their views, of shelter workers and of other professionals, it has also pursued a line of investigation directly into childrens experience of contact to domestic violence (Buckley, Whelan and Holt, 2006; Hague and Mullender, 2006; Mullender et al., 2002 and McGee, 2000). A substantial amount of literature in this area exists which concentrates on the effects on children (Hague and Mullender, 2006; Hazen et al. 2006). Edleson (1999) has in fact found more than eighty studies in this area. Childhood is regarded as an important and significant period in anyones lifetime. It is a time that should be guarded. Development and learning during this period should be nurtured and supported in the given environment. If the environment is tainted by fear and violence, the act itself of growing up becomes an arduous task. Osofsky (1995) found that exposure to violence can lead to reverting back to childhood, also known as regressive symptoms such as bedwetting, delayed language development and anxiousness over separation from parents. Other researchers have also found links between domestic violence within a household and children having learning and behavioural problems which can affect their health, emotional and behavioural well-being (Wolfe et al. 1988 and Margolin, 1998). It is important to iterate that no researchers in this area have stated that domestic violence causes these maladaptive behaviours. Often where domestic violence occurs, other social problems have been known to also exist. Devaney (2008) found that domestic violence was present when parental substance and alcohol misuse also existed. As you can see this starts to formulate a slightly less straight-forward area of research where many complexities are involved; though serves to highlight other risk factors which may be helpful to look at. Research in the area has also indicated that there are links between domestic violence and child abuse. Bancroft and Miller (2002) have found that there is a greater chance of a child experiencing physical or sexual abuse whilst living in a household where domestic violence occurs. Indication of how grave the issue is can be seen in a study by Walby (2004) who found that in 40% of child abuse cases there was also co-occurrence of domestic violence. This is further supported by Hester et al. (1998) who suggested that domestic violence is contributory factor in half of all serious case reviews and 75% for those cases placed on the child protection register. This raises domestic violence as a child protection concern in the field of social work and thus has serious implications for practice. The high prevalence of domestic violence in child protection cases is not reflected in the same way in terms of health care professionals who have discovered a much lower proportion of domestic violence (Naumann et al. 1999; Mooney, 1993). The low rate of detection by professionals can perhaps be attributable to many factors. So far enquiry in this area has suggested that the level of knowledge a practitioner may hold with regards to domestic violence and abuse may be a crucial factor. Peckover (2003) goes further to highlight that professionals improper attitudes alongside a general absence of understanding and training regarding domestic violence may also explain the low statistics in uncovering abuse. This highlights a significant gap in an area where research and early intervention should be at its most robust. This could be explained that perhaps there is no infallible distinction or separation in both policy and practice of child abuse from woman abuse (Humphreys and Mullender, YEAR). A reason why the issue exists in such a context i.e. Childrens services, it may be that there is less emphasis on the use of monitoring domestic violence and is not seen as a child protection concern. The services that are available to children living with domestic violence are based on the presumption that is the womens responsibility to protect the child from experiencing harm, which characteristically involves forcing the partner to leave or leaving the household with her children herself. This also signifies the narrow understanding of domestic violence in a multi-professional manner but also its response to it. Lack of early intervention and strategies in place to identify children who may be at a risk of harm may also lead to increased social exclusion and increased financial strain on the state (REF). By addressing such themes in the literature review I will aim to demonstrate how the relationship between domestic violence and abuse is such that, where one is existing enquiries should consistently be made about the other. This will help to form safer, more sensitive assessments and well placed interventions. In light of research shown it may raises questions as to how far the impact of domestic violence is on children who are exposed to it, what possible interventions exist for such a large social problem. Methodology I will use to address the problem Whilst it has been acknowledged that a fully systematic review cannot be undertaken due to the time constraints of my MSc course I intend to use a systematic approach when reviewing literature. I will use a literature review to highlight key themes and issues brought to light by using a systematic approach when conducting and forming my search. I have also recognised that a non-systematic approach can lead to misleading conclusions in research which is not accurately verified. In addition a non-systematic review does not undertake critique of the literature which is needed to form a balanced judgement. Whereas a systematic approach will facilitate my research question/ rationale with a well-focused searching strategy to enhance appraisal and fusion of the literature I will be researching. However, I have realised that whilst a literature review is less time consuming and the least expensive research method. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The benefit to employing this method is that it will allow me to be rigorous when synthesising relevant data found, and examine the evidence found. Though the weakness is that it will be not me conducting primary research which would be more beneficial to make the social science discipline more evidence based. In conducting a search so far I have already recognised the implications in using the terms domestic abuse, domestic violence and intimate partner violence. I have so far found that some of these terms only take into account certain aspects such as physical assaults. Therefore I will continue to use these terms when searching for relevant literature as it is used quite inter-changeably. To help find literature that addresses the research question I will intend to use established search engines and databases such as Google Scholar; DISCOVER; PsychInfo; and CINAHL. These databases will mostly be used to search for primary sources of research conducted. In addition Dawson Era the online university library will also be utilised for secondary sources such as books and other texts. Through this I will aim to discuss possible themes that have impacted childrens development in relation to domestic abuse and the risk factors associated. I will also aim to look at intervention strategies in place that recognise domestic violence as a co-occurring factor to potential child protection and safeguarding aspects of social work practice. To exactly utilise a systematic approach when conducting a literature review it may be important to have an inclusion and exclusion criteria to help in analysing relevant data. For inclusion I will keep a time frame in mind that is in line with current policy and research. As it is only as recent as the last three decades that children and young people have been directly investigated and researched when concerned with the impact of violence to them. Therefore, I have decided to limit data found in the past two decades to address the question. Therefore in light of research found in this area, it has raised key research questions. The question I have decided to focus my review on which is; what are the impacts of domestic violence on children and what are the implications of this for social work practice. Expected contribution to knowledge I will aim to further analyse my findings by utilising theories useful to underpin data found. Theories which I will use will be the Crisis intervention theory, Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, and person-centred theory. These will help to identify further recommendations that could help child care services to better meet the needs of children affected by domestic violence. To keep from going off topic, I will aim to meet with my dissertation supervisor on a regular basis to uncover and discuss issues in more detail with work presented.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparing Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt Essay -- Compare Contr

Comparing Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt During the 20th century many different presidents went in and out of the doors of the White House serving the country the best they could. However, two of these men hold a place in American history as perhaps the greatest leaders that had ever served our country. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson are two extraordinary men that symbolize the hope and aspirations of the American people during such a tumultuous time in United States history. Both of these men held leadership qualities like no other, had strong views for America, and held exceptional ideas on foreign policy. Theodore Roosevelt stepped into head of office on September 19, 1901 when President William McKinley was assassinated. He was the youngest man to become president. His motto was â€Å"speak softly but carry a big stick.† President Roosevelt would come into power offering America the square deal. He would take the power away from the industrialists as he controlled big business from the White House. He would soon become known as a TrustBuster. Roosevelt used American power for American interests and was quoted as saying, â€Å"I am an American first and last. â€Å" Although some historians argue that Roosevelt acted like a six-year-old throughout his presidency and that he didn’t think things through, ie â€Å"he thought with his hips†, one can admire the tremendous leadership qualities that Teddy Roosevelt had. First, he was a very bold man who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard. The average citizen was aware of what a â€Å"positive, warm and tou gh, authoritative and funny† president that they had leading them. His leadership qualities stemmed from his time as a New York state Assembly man, a deputy sheriff, a ... racial characteristics. He also knew the value of the ethnic vote. Wilson on the other hand was a racist who brought his Virginia attitude with him to the White House. Perhaps the most ironic thing about these two men is the fact that Theodore Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1904 for helping resolve the Russian-Japanese fighting, and TR never was in office during the Great Wars while Wilson was. However, we did end up getting the United Nations from Woodrow Wilson’s presidency. In conclusion, Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were very different people who held different beliefs on America, but nonetheless, these two men gave their all in making America a better place. Without these two leaders, America could have been a very different place today. Who knows, I might have been writing this paper in German had it not been for them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nietzsche: Virtues/Life/Morality Essay

Nietzsche was a unique philosopher that had some very interesting ideas about people’s human values and personality types. In the following passage from Nietzsche, â€Å"?. this is the image of all life, and from this learn the meaning of your life! And conversely: Read only your own life, and from this understand the hieroglyphs of universal life! † According to Nietzsche, I think he defines that all morality is a manifestation of the will to power. People stress independence, personal dignity, self-approval and the will to succeed. For such people â€Å"good† refers to whatever leads to self-fulfillment with values such as strength, courage, power and pride. This appeals to those who are uncertain of themselves. They define â€Å"good† as what makes life easier/safer, with such qualities as patience, humility, modesty and compassion. I agree and disagree with Nietzsche. He helps me understand my own life, in that I agree with the will to power. I am living proof. I want to be in charge of my future. I have goals in every aspect of my life that I want to fulfill, and without these goals there would be no motivation for life. Artists wouldn’t want to be artists, scientists wouldn’t care about science, and people wouldn’t care about themselves. I also think we need certain virtues in order to succeed in fulfilling the goals set forth by the will to power. Patience, modesty, charity and compassion are some of the virtues that Nietzsche believes to be â€Å"sour grapes†. The moral that I think is sour is people who are not independent, look at others to follow, and that lack self respect. I believe that virtues such as personal power, strength, courage, pride, independence, and compassion, makes a person complete. However, this is reality and in reality you can have these virtues and at the same time stray from what you believe in. I think the key to life is to find who you are and to be happy. In today’s society, it seems there are too many people who do not know who they are. People tend to follow the group, dress how everyone else dresses and listen to the same music everyone else listens too. This to me is â€Å"weak†. The real root to power is within yourself. Life isn’t as cut and dry as Nietzsche suggests. Life is too complex and the mind is a mysterious thing. Although the qualities and virtues talked about are ideal, I wish it was that simple to apply to a person. I think the persons surroundings, and any influences the person has had in their life plays a role. Unfortunately the environment plays a large part in the development in a person. However, I think it’s never too late for a person to change or find him or herself. In conclusion, Nietzsche’s philosophy really allows me to understand the meaning of life. Nietzsche did not believe in equality. It seems he rejected equality because he believed in the importance of individualism. Nietzsche gives me a good reason for life/existence.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gym Culture

IntroAttention Getter: By a show of hands who likes to go to work out? Background & Audience Relevance: Gym culture has been around for a long time but it has recently been growing and more and more people have begun to go and get healthy. Speaker Credibility: I have been going to the gym for a couple years now and I have done my own research on gym culture. Thesis: In my speech, we will be discussing what gym culture means to me and what it could possibly mean to you. Preview of Main Points: First I will be discussing how my object is part of my culture, second the important values it has, and third how I identify with it. II. Body Main Point 1: To begin, I am going to talk about how this object is used in a way for me to relieve stress and anger. Sub-point A: Being a full time student and working part time can be very stressful to me as I'm sure it is the same for a lot of college students, but finding at least an hour to an hour and a half to go to the gym or even working out from home can be such a helpful stress reliever. This is because it helps get me out of their my little stress filled bubble and pretty much let loose. Sub-point B: not only is it a good way to relieve stress but also anger. I know that working in a fast food or retail job can cause a lot of tension and anger especially with the customers, coworkers, and even managers. Of course we are forced to keep it all in because we need this job to put ourselves through school and buy our own personal treats. Well going to the gym is a very good way to take out that anger by pushing yourself hard in that workout. Transition between Main Points: Now that I have talked about how this object is a way to relieve stress and anger next I will be talking about how it represents my values. Main Point 2: going to the gym is not only about relieving stress and anger but also and about being healthy and motivated. Sub-point A: In my opinion going to the gym or being a fit person does not mean that you have to have a six pack or extremely muscular arms or legs. More so it just means that you are feeling good about yourself and being healthy. Since I have started going to the gym I am feeling much healthier and I am not doing crazy diets, but am cutting back on some foods and learning to eat better. Sub-point B: It also helps with being motivated because slowly but surely you begin to see results which gives me confidence and keeps motivating me to keep going and bettering myself.Transition between Main Points: having discussed how I value going to the gym, I will now tell you how I identify with this culture. Main Point 3: Influencing myself and other people to come to the gym or work out in general is one way I identify myself with this culture. Another could be the way I can dress to go to the gym a.k.a the fashion. Sub-point A: going to the gym helps me feel like a good influence to myself and others like my work out partners because I believe I am encouraging them to keep going and feeling healthy and fit because sometimes they do not want to go workout but I convince them to come with me and sometimes it is the other way around, but in the end we help each other to push ourselves in working out and bettering themselves. Sub-point B: When one starts going to the gym we see that there are many types of way people dress and we start looking for which fashion better suits us and makes us feel comfortable. There is no right or wrong way to dress for the gym it's just how you feel when wearing a certain outfit. I know that i enjoy my leggings and big baggy shirts because I feel extremely comfortable, but someone else could feel different about that outfit. III. Conclusion Signal and Review of Main Points: Having discussed how this object is part of this culture, how it represents my values, and how I identify with it you now know what this culture means to me. Recap Thesis: I have now explained what gym culture is to me. Memorable Closer: Remember being healthy and fit doesn't mean you have to be super skinny or muscular it is just about feeling better and more confident in your own body.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Veterans Adminitration Benefits Backlog

Veterans Adminitration Benefits Backlog Backlog for VA Benefits Higher than Once Thought According to a recent report from the Office of the Inspector General, the case backlog to receive benefits through the Veterans Administration (VA) is worse than originally thought. A detailed article on the results of this new investigation is available here.The VA inspector general has identified tens of thousands of cases for benefits that have been either ignored or omitted by department officials. According to their calculations, they â€Å"significantly understated the number of claims awaiting decisions for over 125 days.†Investigators say the backlog as originally reported covers only 79% of relevant cases. They state others have been mistakenly excluded, misclassified, or only marked overdue after processing. VA officials state they are: â€Å"reviewing how best to supplement or adjust reporting on the rating-related backlog.† They plan to have new training and standards in place by the end of the year.The number of cases taking over 125 days to complete rose to 611,000 in March 2013 before settling to 70,000 in September 2015. The number has held between 70,000 and 100,000 each week for the last three years.At the same time, the total number of applications continued to rise. The inspector general cites another 63,600 overdue cases were omitted for unknown reasons- while 10,000 more were recorded incorrectly.Therefore, this backlog is predicted to grow as the number of applicants increases.  It is unfortunate that veterans who have dutifully served our country and sacrificed so much are forced to wait long periods of time to receive the benefits they need. We Can HelpIf you are disabled and unable to work, call Disability Attorneys of Michigan for a free confidential consultation. We’ll let you know if we can help you get a monthly check and help you determine if any money or assets you receive could impact your eligibility for disability benefits.Disability Attorneys of Michigan works hard every day helping the disabled of Mic higan seek the Social Security Disability and Veterans Disability benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, mental, or cognitive impairment; call Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free consultation at 800-949- 2900.Let Michigan’s experienced disability law firm help you get the benefits you deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Compassionate Excellence. Michigan Veterans Disability Attorneys, Veteran Administration, Veterans Benefits

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write a Sociology Term Paper Detailed Guide

How to Write a Sociology Term Paper Detailed Guide Need advice on how to cope with a sociology term paper? Sociology term papers are assigned to students who take sociology classes with a purpose to evaluate their performance and develop their understanding of a topic. You should approach these assignments seriously because when you practice writing, you also practice thinking in a more rigorous and profound way. You will learn not only to summarize a text but perform such complicated tasks as analyzing the text as well as evaluating and applying it. Are you thinking that sociology term paper writing is too challenging for you? Writing is just a skill and, like any other skills, it can be learned through hard work and practice. In this easy writing guide on how to write a sociology term paper, you will find effective tricks and tips that will help you organize the writing process. We will also provide details on planning, outlining, editing, rewriting etc. Be patient, use our guide to practice a lot, and you are sure to notice improvements in your work. What Is a Sociology Term Paper? A sociology term paper is actually an extended essay based on the argument for your thesis. There are 4 types of sociology term papers that are typically assigned to college students: The general research paper where you have to collect data through library research. Its goal is to improve the thesis statement and gather information to support it; The quantitative research paper where you need to collect data according to specific techniques of collecting and analyzing data. Its goal is to provide an answer to a sociological question; The ethnographic field paper where you need to generate data from observing and social interactions with people in their typical social environments; The textual analysis paper where you need to analyze some texts or books. The sociology term paper is typically written in a form of a research report that consists of the following sections: Abstract Introduction Literature Review Methodology Results/Findings Discussion/Conclusion References Sociology term papers are typically formatted using APA or ASA citation styles. You can use a variety of resources from: from discipline-specific databases, for example, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; subject-specific databases where you can get access to the most common scientific journals; general interests databases that offer a wide range of materials. Since sociology is actually an empirical discipline, you have to base conclusions of your term paper on the relevant evidence that is documented and gathered from collected experiences and cases. To make your claims convincing, you need systematic evidence. When doing research and reading, you can use different types of evidence from primary and secondary sources to support your thesis, for example, newspapers, scholarly journals, books, observations, interviews, surveys, questionnaires etc. All evidence can be subdivided into 2 groups: Quantitative data is used for studying social processes at a large scale, for example, changes in social attitudes, population changes, income inequality etc. it comes from censuses, surveys, and statistics. Qualitative data comes from data and texts, in-depth interviews, participant observation, and the researcher’s own reactions and impressions. Such data can give insight into how different people find certain meaning in their world. How to Choose Good Sociology Essay Topics: Advice from Our Writers The first step in writing a sociology term paper is to choose a topic. You are likely to have some broad interests in sociology but your task is to develop a specific research question. Here are some tips for choosing a successful sociology research paper topic. Select a topic that you are genuinely interested in. You will enjoy doing research and writing and your readers will appreciate your passion when reading your paper; Use your volunteer or civic engagement experience as an inspiration. You can combine your academic and personal interests to stay engaged on the topic; Pay attention to hot topics that are debated on social media or news outlets. Find questions that need answering now; Use this chance to do something new to you. Find a topic that is unfamiliar to you and challenge yourself; Look for current or past research topics in the top journals in the discipline. After you have chosen a topic for your research, you have to turn it into a narrower research question. It is a specific problem that can be addressed with empirical data. You should use brainstorming techniques to find some narrow slices in your broad topic. After you’ve found some narrower topics, you should start developing to your research question which should be very specific. Here is an example of how you can do that. If your topic is â€Å"Media and Beauty†, you can brainstorm such sub-topics as Asian, white, and black portrayals of ideal body types; Why are media using super-skinny models? Your research question can be formulated like this: Can ethnic differences in women’s conceptions of â€Å"ideal body types† be influenced by the ways they are marketed in the media targeted to certain racial/ethnic groups? If you are new to sociology studies, you may be at a loss how to choose a good research paper topic. Have a look at a short list of interesting sociology research paper topics ideas. Human Rights Movement Gender Stereotypes at a Workplace How is Homosexuality Portrayed in the Media? What Messages Are Promoted in Hip-hop Music? Cyberbullying in Social Media What Causes Childhood Obesity? Celebrities on Social Media What Features Make a Patriot? How Does Race Affect Educational Levels? Gender and Sexuality in the Contemporary Society Compare Typical Users of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram How Is Food Advertised in the Media? Wages and Taxes in Modern Society Parenting Styles Of Different Classes Can Money Buy People Happiness? Viking Legends Single Parenting Are Wealthy People Less Ethical? What Is More Important for Success: Intelligence or Beauty? Escapism Through Virtual Reality How to Choose Methodology to Answer Your Research Question When you have chosen your research question, you need to decide how you will answer it. The choice of the right sociology research methods will depend on what you want to say. All sociology methods are divided into qualitative (ethnography, interview, participant observation) and quantitative (statistical analysis of some numeric data). Besides, sociologists use historical or archival methods and content analysis and, in some cases, experimental approaches. Quantitative methods are used to identify relationships and patterns among certain characteristics and outcomes of large groups of people. Qualitative methods are applied to determine mechanisms in the relationships and to monitor different social processes in detail. When choosing your methods, you should keep in mind that certain sociological phenomena can’t be easily measured with just numbers. In some cases, it is necessary to use multiple methodologies to get an answer to a research question. Start Writing with a Literature Review The first thing you should do is to perform a research of the relevant literature on your topic and work on your literature review. You need to give an analytical summary of the previous works on your topic. Remember that it’s not just writing some paragraphs that summarize the content of every article you read. Your task is to link together the main points that you have read to make a story of what has been done by previous researchers and what has to be done. You should determine several key empirical or theoretical categories and link them together. And you need to determine the key debates on your topic. In the literature review, you need to provide the background information that will help your reader understand your research question. Use brainstorming techniques to identify several key empirical and theoretical issues for an investigation and start locating your sources. You should start with influential scholarly books and recent articles in the journals, and then use other library resources and Google Scholar. You should make a working list of relevant sources in a form of Word document and copy there their titles, sources, and abstracts. Then, you should read your sources, paying attention to all the keywords on your research question, and make notes of the key points. After you finish reading about 70% of the sources on your list, you may start to draft your literature review. Develop an Outline An outline is an organizational plan for your sociology term paper. It helps you present what you plan to say and develop supporting paragraphs to move to your conclusions. Making a good outline can save you tons of time during the revision process because you will not need to rearrange your ideas after you have written them. Need advice on how you can create a good outline? Here are some tips: First, you should carefully read all your notes and think about ways to organize them. You have to classify all your findings, taking into account how they relate to your thesis statement or research question. That’s why you need to look for some common trends. For example, you can classify all your findings under 2 big headings. That is quite enough for a 5,000-word term paper. You can find clues how to do it if you look through an original assignment that your professor has given you. There is a variety of techniques that you can use for classifying your findings, for example, you can do it on paper with different-colored highlighters or symbols or paper-clip index cards with your notes. If you find that some sections for supporting your argument are not strong enough, you should do some more research or combine 2 weak section under one heading. You can use any outline format that works best for you. There is no need to stick to the formal roman-numeral structure. Writing a Draft Now that you have an outline, you have to start writing your sociology term paper sections. You should stick to the point and focus on your thesis statement or research question. Your task is to provide a convincing argument and relevant evidence to support your argument and persuade your readers that your ideas are correct. Make sure that your thesis statement is strong and do your best to write clearly and concisely. Avoid padding and digressions. Be ready that you’ll need to make more than one draft. Typically, all first drafts are vague, confusing, they feature bad writing and are full of omissions and other errors. Second drafts are better but they are not perfect. So you’ll need to revise your drafts and make improvements in the content and in their logic. Remember that the best term papers are commonly rewritten several times. Revising and Editing Tips In the process of revising, your task is to push your analysis further, to improve and expand your original argument, and make connections between your key points. There are different kinds of revising: large-scale and small-scale revising, editing, and proofreading. When making a large-scale revision, you need to look at the entire paper and find places where your logic is not clear. You may need to provide additional evidence, to define certain terms or even offer an entirely new aspect to your initial reasoning. If you discover a new interesting idea, you might even decide to rewrite the entire paper or at least certain sections. You can change the structure of your sociology term paper to make it more effective. If you notice that a certain part of your paper is not good enough, you may need to perform a small-scale revision. You should revise this section and after that, you will need to review the whole paper to make sure that the part you have revised works well in the context of the entire sociology term paper. When editing, your task is to find some minor problems with the text and improve readability – cut and paste paragraphs, delete some sentences or words. At this stage, you need to make your project clear and interesting to your readers. When proofreading, you will need to find and fix some small punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors. You should go through all these levels of revision to ensure that your sociology term paper is powerful and flawless.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Olvidar Conjugation in Spanish, Translations, Examples

Olvidar Conjugation in Spanish, Translations, Examples Olvidar is the Spanish verb for to forget, although it can also refer to leaving something behind, even if done intentionally. To conjugate  olvidar  follow the pattern for regular -ar verbs. This article includes the conjugations for all the simple tenses of olvidar: the present and imperfect tenses in the indicative and subjunctive moods; the indicative preterite and future; the conditional; and the imperative or command forms. Youll also find the past and present participle, which are used  for the compound tenses. Among the few Spanish words derived from olvidar are olvido (an oversight or minor error) and olvidadizo (forgetful). Present Indicative Tense of Olvidar Yo olvido I forget Yo olvido las llaves de la casa. T olvidas You forget T olvidas las reglas del juego. Usted/l/ella olvida You/he/she forgets l olvida la letra de la cancin. Nosotros olvidamos We forget Nosotros olvidamos los pasos de baile. Vosotros olvidis You forget Vosotros olvidis los nombres de las personas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas olvidan You/they forget Ellos olvidan los malos momentos. Olvidar Preterite The preterite  is one of the two simple past tenses of Spanish. It is used for actions that occurred over a definite time. The other past tense, the imperfect, is for actions that occurred during an indefinite period. Yo olvid I forgot Yo olvid las llaves de la casa. T olvidaste You forgot T olvidaste las reglas del juego. Usted/l/ella olvid You/he/she forgot l olvid la letra de la cancin. Nosotros olvidamos We forgot Nosotros olvidamos los pasos de baile. Vosotros olvidasteis You forgot Vosotros olvidasteis los nombres de las personas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas olvidaron You/they forgot Ellos olvidaron los malos momentos. Imperfect Indicative Form of Olvidar The imperfect form can be translated to English as used to forget. Yo olvidaba I used to forget Yo olvidaba las llaves de la casa. T olvidabas You used to forget T olvidabas las reglas del juego. Usted/l/ella olvidaba You/he/she used to forget l olvidaba la letra de la cancin. Nosotros olvidbamos We used to forget Nosotros olvidbamos los pasos de baile. Vosotros olvidabais You used to forget Vosotros olvidabais los nombres de las personas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas olvidaban You/they used to forget Ellos olvidaban los malos momentos. Olvidar Future Tense There is little difference in meaning between the simple future and the periphrastic future, although the latter is more colloquial or informal. Yo olvidar I will forget Yo olvidar las llaves de la casa. T olvidars You will forget T olvidars las reglas del juego. Usted/l/ella olvidar You/he/she will forget l olvidar la letra de la cancin. Nosotros olvidaremos We will forget Nosotros olvidaremos los pasos de baile. Vosotros olvidaris You will forget Vosotros olvidaris los nombres de las personas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas olvidarn You/they will forget Ellos olvidarn los malos momentos. Periphrastic Future of Olvidar Yo voy a olvidar I am going to forget Yo voy a olvidar las llaves de la casa. T vas a olvidar You are going to forget T vas a olvidar las reglas del juego. Usted/l/ella va a olvidar You/he/she is going to forget l va a olvidar la letra de la cancin. Nosotros vamos a olvidar We are going to forget Nosotros vamos a olvidar los pasos de baile. Vosotros vais a olvidar You are going to forget Vosotros vais a olvidar los nombres de las personas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a olvidar You/they are going to forget Ellos van a olvidar los malos momentos. Present Progressive/Gerund Form of Olvidar The gerund, also known as the present participle, is used in making the continuous or progressive tenses. Gerund:  olvidando  (forgetting) Él est olvidando la letra de la cancià ³n.   Past Participle of Olvidar The past participle can be used as an adjective or in forming the perfect tenses. An example of the adjectival use is  los hà ©roes olvidados (the forgotten heroes). Participle:  olvidado  (forgotten) Él ha olvidado la letra de la cancià ³n.   Conditional Form of Olvidar As its name suggests, the  conditional  tense is used for actions that would occur if certain other conditions are met. Those conditions need not be explicitly stated, although they are in these examples. Yo olvidara I would forget Yo olvidara las llaves de la casa, pero las ato a mis pantalones. T olvidaras You would forget T olvidaras las reglas del juego, pero lo conoces muy bien. Usted/l/ella olvidara You/he/she would forget l olvidara la letra de la cancin, pero la escucha todos los das. Nosotros olvidaramos We would forget Nosotros olvidaramos los pasos de baile si no tuviramos un buen profesor. Vosotros olvidarais You would forget Vosotros olvidarais los nombres de las personas, pero tenis buena memoria. Ustedes/ellos/ellas olvidaran You/they would forget Ellos olvidaran los malos momentos si quisieran ser felices. Present Subjunctive of Olvidar The  present subjunctive deals with mood and is used in situations of doubt, desire, or emotion. Que yo olvide That I forget Violeta espera que yo olvide las llaves de la casa. Que t olvides That you forget Es una lstima que t olvides las reglas del juego. Que usted/l/ella olvide That you/he/she forget Rebeca espera que l olvide la letra de la cancin. Que nosotros olvidemos That we forget Pablo quiere que nosotros olvidemos los pasos de baile. Que vosotros olvidis That you forget David teme que vosotros olvidis los nombres de las personas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas olviden That you/they forget Jos espera que ellos olviden los malos momentos. Imperfect Subjunctive Forms of Olvidar The first of these options is more common and less formal. Option 1 Que yo olvidara That I forgot Violeta esperaba que yo olvidara las llaves de la casa. Que t olvidaras That you forgot Era una lstima que t olvidaras las reglas del juego. Que usted/l/ella olvidara That you/he/she forgot Rebeca esperaba que l olvidara la letra de la cancin. Que nosotros olvidramos That we forgot Pablo quera que nosotros olvidramos los pasos de baile. Que vosotros olvidarais That you forgot David tema que vosotros olvidarais los nombres de las personas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas olvidaran That you/they forgot Jos esperaba que ellos olvidaran los malos momentos. Option 2 Que yo olvidase That I forgot Violeta esperaba que yo olvidase las llaves de la casa. Que t olvidases That you forgot Era una lstima que t olvidases las reglas del juego. Que usted/l/ella olvidase That you/he/she forgot Rebeca esperaba que l olvidase la letra de la cancin. Que nosotros olvidsemos That we forgot Pablo quera que nosotros olvidsemos los pasos de baile. Que vosotros olvidaseis That you forgot David tema que vosotros olvidaseis los nombres de las personas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas olvidasen That you/they forgot Jos esperaba que ellos olvidasen los malos momentos. Imperative Forms of Olvidar The imperative mood is used for giving direct commands. Imperative (Positive Command) T olvida Forget! Olvida las reglas del juego! Usted olvide Forget! Olvide la letra de la cancin! Nosotros olvidemos Lets forget! Olvidemos los pasos de baile! Vosotros olvidad Forget! Olvidad los nombres de las personas! Ustedes olviden Forget! Olviden los malos momentos! Imperative (Negative Command) T no olvides Dont forget! No olvides las reglas del juego! Usted no olvide Dont forget! No olvide la letra de la cancin! Nosotros no olvidemos Lets not forget! No olvidemos los pasos de baile! Vosotros no olvidis Dont forget! No olvidis los nombres de las personas! Ustedes no olviden Dont forget! No olviden los malos momentos!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

American Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American Government - Essay Example This is because the minority party can have powers to control the interests of the majority party in doing as they wish and desire. In addition, another reason for filibuster in the senate is to keep the senate from becoming a House, which may be succumbed to the passions of the day. In my view, I think filibuster should not be eliminated since it is a remarkably crucial and unique issue in the U.S. government. The filibuster should not be eliminated since it is a strong tool to the minority party. The minority can use the filibuster in making a point or trying to get their way. In the senate, a senator or his minority party can block a full nomination or senate consideration of a certain bill through unlimited debate of a proposal. The use of the filibuster by the minority ensures representation of the minority party in the senate, which creates a balance in the senate. Hence, the filibuster in the senate should not be eliminated since its withdrawal in the senate would threaten fre e speech and debate in the senate. List and explain some of the various roles (constitutional and extraconstitutional) that a president must play. Of these roles, which role do you believe is most important for a president, and why? The American president has both constitutional and extra constitutional roles with which he is associated. One of the constitutional roles of the American president is assuming the role of chief of state. Through this role, the president acts as a symbolic leader of America and abroad. When assuming this role, the president should be above politics. Another constitutional role assumed by the president is that of the chief administrator. In playing this role, the president is responsible for executing all rules and overseeing the bureaucracy. Another constitutional role is being the chief commander. In assuming this role, the president does not play a symbolic role; he decides what to do in times of conflict. The president is given a superior ability in a ssessing and reacting to situations. In addition, the president plays a constitutional role in assuming the role of a chief diplomat. In this role, the president determines countries to negotiate foreign policies and the ones to recognize officially. On the other hand, the president plays the role of a party leader as one of the extra constitutional roles. Another extra constitutional role played by the president is that of an economy manager. In taking this responsibility, the president directs the economy. In addition, another extra constitutional role of the president is being the voice of the people. The president represents all the people for the entire nation since it is the only position, which the whole nation has to decide who will be the leader. Of these roles, I think being the chief commander is the most vital role. This stems from the fact that the president is capable of analyzing situations and coming up with strategies to protect the nation. Describe the process wher eby the Supreme Court sets its agenda, makes its decisions, and delivers them to the public. The process of Supreme Court’s agenda-setting commences when a party loses a case in a lower court, desires the Supreme Court to evaluate the verdict of the lower court, and files a petition for an appeal with the court or a writ of certiorari. After the petition for certiorari and entire accompanying briefs are recorded, the office of the Supreme

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss the ways of platelets storage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discuss the ways of platelets storage - Essay Example The first and foremost step after the collection for separating platelets is to screen the blood for bacteria as well for other diseases which include hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV (Kaufman 2006). Also another step before the separation of platelets is to actually make all the preparations before the blood is drawn from the donor. This includes making all the necessary preparations so that the withdrawal procedure is made sterile from the point of blood drawing till the point of infusion to the patient (Tullis et al 1959). The blood is drawn from the patient in a container which contains ACD solution added to it. It is also ensured that blood is drawn in a clean method with no requirement for giving a second puncture as this is an important protocol of platelet collection that blood should be drawn from one puncture. This blood is circulated through a tube of plastic which is maintained at a temperature of 4 degrees centigrade. The blood flows in this chamber and the residue that is left flows into a separate pool and this residue is basically the plasma which is devoid of red and white blood cells and contain only platelets. This platelet containing plasma is then passed through another chamber such that 10 ml of the fluid flows in every one minute. The platelets flow into a collector where they are maintained at 250 x gravity.

Stem Cell Research - The NIH, as the Federal government's leading Essay

Stem Cell Research - The NIH, as the Federal government's leading biomedical research organization - Essay Example The NIH has consulted with each of the investigators who have derived these cells. These scientists are working with the NIH and the research community to establish a research infrastructure to ensure the successful handling and the use of these cells in the laboratory". Government funded embryonic stem cells research is allowed in many countries including UK, Japan, France, Australia, and other countries. It was iniially prohibited in ths US by Dickey Amendment to Labor, Health and Human Services & Education Appropriations Act, 1996. Of the 71 blastocysts approved initially, only 22 remained in mid-2006, and many of them were of limited usefulness because of DNA damage. After former president Ronald Reagan died from Alzheimer's during 2004, Nancy Reagan, her entire family except for Michael Reagan, along with 58 senators launched a campaign to relax stem cells research legislation. Consequently, a federal bill passed the house for funding of embryonic stem cells from surplus embryos; however, the bill was vetoed on ethical grounds by President Bush. Stem cells have virtually unlimited applications in treatment and cure of many human diseases and disorders including Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer, paralysis, etc. Stem cells come in two general types: Embryonic stem cells have potential to develop into all 220 types of cells found in human body. Adult stem cells have a limited potential to develop into some variety of cells. While no human trials have started yet for embryonic cells, adult stem cells have now reached human trials stage. While most religious and ethical issues revolve around embryonic stem cells, harvesting adult stem cells does not present any ethical problems but they are difficult to harvest, are severely limited in quantity and have limitations of flexibility. Further, adult stem cells can produce only a few of the 220 different types of cells in the human body. Future Policy Considerations: Liberal Outlook The pro-choice movement firmly believes that since personhood is attained much later during pregnancy, extracting stem cells from few weeks old embryo is not a murder as such. Further, considering the unlimited potential advantages offered by embryonic cell research, even this 'killing' is justified in larger interest of humanity. In vitro fertilization ("test-tube babies") involves the purposeful creation of multiple embryos, knowing and intending that most of them will either die after implantation in the womb or, if not implanted,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Geometry proj2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geometry proj2 - Essay Example be used to find the area of a parallelogram since the rectangle has been obtained by translating a triangular section of the parallelogram without loss of area thereby maintaining the base length and height. 4. How do the base and height of the parallelogram compare to the base and height of the original triangle? Write an expression for the height of the parallelogram in terms of the height, h, of the triangle. 10. Show how you can find an area formula for a kite using a reflection. (hint: Reflect half of the kite across its line of symmetry d1 by folding the kite along d1. How is the area of the triangle formed related to the area of the kite) 2. A company sells cornmeal and barley in cylindrical containers. The diameter of the base of the 6-in-high cornmeal container is 4 in. The diameter of the base of the 4-in-high barley container is 6 in. Which container has the greater surface area? Which container has the greater volume? 3. The roof of a 50 ft circular building is shaped like a cone with a diameter of 40 ft and height 20 ft. What is the surface area of the building and roof together? What is the volume of building and roof together? (5 points) 5. On Sept. 3, 1970, a hailstone with diameter of 5.6 in fell at Coffeyville, KS. It weighed about 0.018 lb/in.3 compared to the normal 0.033 lb/in.3 for ice. About how heavy was this Kansas hailstone? (5 points) 7. Two storage bins are built in the form of rectangular prisms, and the two bins are similar. One stores wheat at a cost of $.15 per bushel, and the other stores corn at a cost of $.20 per bushel. The bin storing the wheat has a square base 80 ft on a side and is 120 ft tall. If the cost of storing the wheat is $8000, and the cost of storing the corn is $36,000, find the height and the length to the nearest whole number of a side of the base of the bin storing corn. (2 points) 9. Two similar cylinders contain juice. The first cylinder has radius 6 in and height 10 in., contains orange

See Attchments, prefer topics on Confucianism or Daoism Essay

See Attchments, prefer topics on Confucianism or Daoism - Essay Example However, it is important to mention that Daoism teachings were incorporated in various ancient and modern learning institutions. The ethical implications from Daoism lessons varied, depending on the nature of the learning institution but the basics behind the teachings were to ensure some sort of actions with regard to naturalness, simplicity and being spontaneous among other elements. One was expected to demonstrate good understanding of compassion, moderation as well humility. The training was meant to produce useful societal members who lived in harmony and respected one another in the society. Militants were also to incorporate such principles with their interactions with the civilians. Daoism was also meant to appreciate every society member and improve self-esteem. Daoism was a basic course or training that each society member should have despite the modern education. Daoism believes in physical exercises as a way of connecting to the Supreme Being. Believers are required to of fer their rituals and engage in physical exercises which eventually lift their souls and connect them with the Supreme Being. Physical trainings would also improve human beings’ health and increase their life span, hence immortality. The religion had a special formula of being immortal. The religious leaders would lead their subjects to exercise sessions; however, one was to undergo some social and psychological teachings before joining the exercise sessions. Daoism valued ethics, harmony and respect among other societal elements in the society. It was believed that other practices and rituals would only yield once one appreciated the essence of harmony in the society. Physical exercises were also meant to reduce the levels of social and psychological stress and depressions. The exercise involved controlled breathing and limb movements in a certain pattern. One would leave the training rooms stress free and motivated. Family members would always gather and go through the exer cise once or twice before the day ends. The exercise would also improve blood or circulatory system among the believers. There is no single report that records the difference brought by exercise among the believers but , it is a super nature concept that good exercise would always improve individual health. Historians believe the religion was founded by Laozi, whose believe was based on some five basic societal facts. Yin and Yang imply the positive and negative nature of human. It is represented by black and white. Black implies the entire negative societal of human aspects while white implies the positive issues in the society. Nature and ethics are another great consideration with the Daoism believers. Ethics is to ensure harmony and good relationships between the believers and the society at large. The religion requires its members to remain humble and respect every mankind. The element of nature applies to the fact that it requires all its members to respect nature, more so the ling organisms. Daoism does not encourage the killing of animals, domestic animals included. Daoism priests taught on the importance of being vegetarian as a way of conserving nature. The members would be taught how to attach their feelings and breathing pattern with those of the wild animals and create harmony. Since its introduction, Daoism has great influence on the ancient and modern Chinese culture. It became more famous after the literature of Laozi as well as Zhuangzi and some of the teachings were published in the famous

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Research paper - Assignment Example 5. Charles was a legendary famous American musician who was later referred to as â€Å"American original†, due to his combination of church music with American popular traditions with European Art music. He was among the early composers of experimental music systematic program. He is dubbed amongst America great composers and one of most prominent artists of his time. He also won various awards like Pulitzer Prize for his third symphony in 1947. 12. After graduating from Yale University, Ives worked as an insurance clerk. Alongside insurance work, he composed songs until retirement due to bad health. He later became a successful businessperson after starting his own insurance firm. 14. The first radical music work of 20th century-He composed two symphonies. â€Å"The Unanswered Question†- was written with unusual combination of four fruits, trumpet and string quartet. New England writers influenced it. The Concord Sonata- It was one of his remarkable pieces. He started to work on it in 1911 and completed in 1915. The piece was not published until 1920 and a revised version appeared in 1947. The piece contains one of Charles

See Attchments, prefer topics on Confucianism or Daoism Essay

See Attchments, prefer topics on Confucianism or Daoism - Essay Example However, it is important to mention that Daoism teachings were incorporated in various ancient and modern learning institutions. The ethical implications from Daoism lessons varied, depending on the nature of the learning institution but the basics behind the teachings were to ensure some sort of actions with regard to naturalness, simplicity and being spontaneous among other elements. One was expected to demonstrate good understanding of compassion, moderation as well humility. The training was meant to produce useful societal members who lived in harmony and respected one another in the society. Militants were also to incorporate such principles with their interactions with the civilians. Daoism was also meant to appreciate every society member and improve self-esteem. Daoism was a basic course or training that each society member should have despite the modern education. Daoism believes in physical exercises as a way of connecting to the Supreme Being. Believers are required to of fer their rituals and engage in physical exercises which eventually lift their souls and connect them with the Supreme Being. Physical trainings would also improve human beings’ health and increase their life span, hence immortality. The religion had a special formula of being immortal. The religious leaders would lead their subjects to exercise sessions; however, one was to undergo some social and psychological teachings before joining the exercise sessions. Daoism valued ethics, harmony and respect among other societal elements in the society. It was believed that other practices and rituals would only yield once one appreciated the essence of harmony in the society. Physical exercises were also meant to reduce the levels of social and psychological stress and depressions. The exercise involved controlled breathing and limb movements in a certain pattern. One would leave the training rooms stress free and motivated. Family members would always gather and go through the exer cise once or twice before the day ends. The exercise would also improve blood or circulatory system among the believers. There is no single report that records the difference brought by exercise among the believers but , it is a super nature concept that good exercise would always improve individual health. Historians believe the religion was founded by Laozi, whose believe was based on some five basic societal facts. Yin and Yang imply the positive and negative nature of human. It is represented by black and white. Black implies the entire negative societal of human aspects while white implies the positive issues in the society. Nature and ethics are another great consideration with the Daoism believers. Ethics is to ensure harmony and good relationships between the believers and the society at large. The religion requires its members to remain humble and respect every mankind. The element of nature applies to the fact that it requires all its members to respect nature, more so the ling organisms. Daoism does not encourage the killing of animals, domestic animals included. Daoism priests taught on the importance of being vegetarian as a way of conserving nature. The members would be taught how to attach their feelings and breathing pattern with those of the wild animals and create harmony. Since its introduction, Daoism has great influence on the ancient and modern Chinese culture. It became more famous after the literature of Laozi as well as Zhuangzi and some of the teachings were published in the famous

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Risk Management Paper Essay Example for Free

Risk Management Paper Essay 1. Individual Risks: Stress, No Family Time, Loss of Control. 2. Business Risks: Instability, Ineffective Management, Financial Loss. 3. Focused Risks: Unknown Markets, Aggressive Competitors, Unfamiliar Terrain. Business development brings weights to a framework that might not have had room schedule-wise/experience to get intended up for expanded generation or administrations. New timings of payables/receivables may make monetary strain. Clients may feel underserved. Workers may be uneasy about all the progressions. Developing is the following enormous test for an entrepreneur its energizing and new. That part is well known. Pushing your current item into new markets, or new items into existing markets will be new and may have unanticipated results. Additionally as you push up against greater contenders, dont be amazed in the event that they battle back! Ponder outsourcing, acquiring makeshift official insightful in development, preparing your staff in new innovation/approach or beginning another organization with new value, as opposed to existing cash flow. Quantitative Risk Analysis is the methodology for numerically breaking down the impact on general venture objectivities of distinguished dangers (comp. Pmbok3, p. 237). On the base of the after-effects of the Qualitative Risk Analysis the Quantitative Risk Analysis is performed on dangers that have been prioritized and analysis’s the impacts of those dangers occasions and assigns a numerical rating to those dangers. As opposed to evaluating the single effects by utilizing a crude typology as a part of the procedure of Quantitative Risk Analysis the effects to the entire undertaking will be made processable and will be processed for creating a more expounded aggregate positioning. Information social event and representation methods like Talking with and registering the likelihood appropriations on the base of master judgment Quantitative risk analysis and displaying systems like:- Affectability investigation which comes about for instance may be spoken to by the tornado graph Expected monetary esteem dissection (EVM) which is a factual idea that ascertains the normal result when the future incorporates situations that could possibly happen. Opportunities are certain qualities,  dangers as negative. Choice tree dissection is typically organized utilizing a choice tree graph that portrays a situation under contemplations, and the ramifications of every accessible decisions and conceivable situations Risk management plan To manage risk, follow the following steps:- Make Risk Management Part of Your Project Recognize Risks Early in Your Project Convey About Risks Consider Both Threats and Opportunities Clear up Ownership Issues Prioritize Risks Break down Risks Register Project Risks Risk response plan Actualizing a danger reaction is the movement that really increases the value of your task. You keep a risk happening or minimize negative impacts. Execution is key here. Alternate standards have helped you to guide, prioritize and comprehend dangers. This will help you to make a sound danger reaction arrange that concentrates on the enormous wins. On the off chance that you manage dangers you fundamentally have three alternatives, hazard shirking, danger minimisation and danger acknowledgement. Maintaining a strategic distance from dangers implies you compose your undertaking in such a path, to the point that you dont experience a danger any longer. This could mean changing supplier or receiving an alternate engineering or, in the event that you manage a deadly hazard, ending a task. Using more cash on a bound undertaking is a terrible speculation. The greatest classification of responses is the ones to minimize dangers. You can attempt to keep a danger happening by affecting the reasons or diminishing the negative impacts that could come about. In the event that you have done tenet 7 appropriately (chance investigation) you will have a lot of chances to impact it. A last reaction is to acknowledge a danger. This is a decent decision if the consequences for the undertaking are negligible or the conceivable outcomes to impact it end up being extremely troublesome, time  intensive or generally costly. Simply verify that it is a cognizant decision to acknowledge a certain danger. Reactions for danger opportunities are the converse of the ones for dangers. They will concentrate on looking for dangers, boosting them or disregarding them (if opportunities turn out to be excessively little). Scheduling The planning technique comprised of four (4) stages. The initial three (3) stages are performed under the supervision of the undertaking group and the fourth stage is performed by the site designer to detail the work prerequisites of exercises. The principal stage begins by welcoming topic masters speaking to distinctive exchanges, for example, structural lives up to expectations, electrical, mechanical, and so on. The masters precisely surveyed the errands identified with their zone of mastery and separate them into exercises and sub exercises that might be effectively overseen. They additionally recognize the required assets, and focus the obliged length of time for every movement focused around standard benefit record, and outline the conditions of those exercises. When the work of the Smes is finished, they meet with the scheduler and assessing and arranging chiefs to draw up the starting calendar, expecting boundless assets. At the second stage, the undertaking group surveys the draft plan and chooses either to acknowledge it, or if the calendar is not agreeable, they may add more assets to decrease the length of time of the task. The third stage will begin if the group is still not fulfilled by the result of the second stage. This may include changing the development routines and/or slamming some discriminating exercises that oblige very talented/exceedingly paid work. Once the last timetable is created, it is given to the site specialist or foreman who will set up the fourth stage plan that exhibits a fleeting itemized action plan that is utilized by laborers to perform their allocated errands. To handle those four stages, they utilizes PRIMAVERA or MS Projects programming, the last programming is utilized when there is a need to interface with different projects. These projects are composed after the principals of the Critical Path Method (CPM). This method is a powerful approach that helps utilize it s assets proficiently and utilize its labour in the best way. Controlling It takes after a decently sorted out framework for controlling their ventures with respect to the two paramount variables, to be specific, time and expense. The control procedure was separated into two sub processes: 1) the observing methodology and 2) the redesigning procedure. Both these methods are legislated by various parameters, as depicted beneath. Checking The primary methodology of controlling undertaking development is checking. This procedure is directed to distinguish any deviations from the first arrange. The site specialist gives a day by day status write about site exercises. This report screens the acquisition prepare alongside the particular development movement. The obtainment observing procedure includes production of material orders, submitting of procurement requests, and conveyance of materials to the worksite. This methodology was emulated as an intends to encourage fractional advancement instalment all through the development process. Amid the real development transform, the Earned Value Analysis methodology is executed with a specific end goal to assess the general status of the venture as far as time and plan. Risk Reassessment The statement reassessment is something that you wouldve heard regularly in genuine living. The significance of Risk Reassessment is in the same lines as the exacting importance/reason for the statement and concentrates on Risks particularly. There are three parts of Risk Reassessment that you must recollect for the RMP Exam. They are: 1. Recognizing New Risks 2. Shutting Risks that are no more relevant 3. Keeping tab on existing dangers to evaluate if any further activity is needed Risk Audits Risk Audits is an alternate apparatus and strategy that we use amid the screen and control dangers process. It is additionally piece of the general procedure change of the undertaking. Risk Audits are concerned with: †¢ Measuring the adequacy of the danger reactions †¢ Measuring the adequacy of the danger administration forms in the task When we perform Risk Audits, we analyze the danger reactions (that were actualized) to figure out whether they were powerful in taking care of the dangers and their underlying drivers. The yield of this review is constantly recorded. Thus, we can additionally review and gage the viability of the danger administration forms in the task all in all as well. The thought behind these sorts of exercises is to be more proactive than be touchy. We are always attempting to refine and enhance our procedures and effectiveness and this danger review can enormously help the danger administration polishes in the venture as well as the entire association too (If we legitimately catch the consequences of our reviews and make lessons learned documents). References:- NASA (2001). NASA NPR 9501.2D. May 23, 2001. Electronic Industries Alliance Standard Systems Engineering Capability Model EIA-731.1 Hagan, Gregory T., Effective Work Breakdown Structures, pp7-8 Barkley, B. T. (2006). Integrated Project Management (1st Ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Translation and its role in multilingual country

Translation and its role in multilingual country Questions such as, what is translation, wherein lies its complexity? have been asked ever since literature stopped being restricted to one target readership and moved beyond the boundaries of language. The term translation technically connotes the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavour, or of finding an analogous substitute. Its complexity lies in it being like the transfer of perfume from one bottle to another. As careful as you are, some fragrance is lost but the challenge remains to capture the essence. All things in nature are subject to change and so is all cultural matter. Translation is always a shift, not between two languages but between the two types of cultural matter. India is a linguistic galaxy of unparalleled richness. Few contexts could be better suited than the Indian for a discussion of the processes of translation within a spectacular stellar setting. How does one common idea of India make itself available to a Bengali, Tamil or a Marathi in any way save that of translation? Translation provides a cognitive map of Indias linguistic world in all its interrelatedness as well as estrangement. All texts and all readers are both monolingual and multilingual. A text, obviously written literally in one language in a given manifestation faces a multi lingual reader and thus reaches out to a much larger base, unifying experiences and opinions as it expands. English has to be admitted as a vast reservoir of translation in contemporary India. It may no longer be a colonial language, but it is increasingly a conduit language. This filter language, as Khubchandani terms it, has today a certain inescapable presence. More English translating have been published in India in recent times than ever before, but our awareness of the need to ensure quality in translation has not heightened the same extent. Who should judge a translation somebody who can read the original or somebody who cannot? A person who was able to read the language, and enjoyed the original may find no translation satisfactory, whereas someone who cannot is likely to regard readability in English is the prime requisite. It seems unarguable that the only way in which the ideology of unity can be explored in a multilingual society like ours is by accepting both the need for, and the problems of, translation. The Sanskritised term we currently use for translation in many Indian languages is anuvada which literally means after speech so it seems wrong in the first place to discuss it in an Introduction. It also stands in contrast to anukaran, which implies aping or slavish imitation, but there ought to be a more to the word than just the suggestion that it could involve creative license of a kind? Any discussion of translation leads automatically to the question: who is an ideal translator? The writer himself, or someone who has not been involved in the primary creative art? The task of the translator is to unfreeze the shapes that thought took in one language and refreeze them into another. A translator must take into account rules that are not strictly linguistic but cultural. Translators, even when trying to give us the flavor of the language, are in fact modernizing the source. As far as translators in India are concerned, most Indians who grow up in urban conditions and go to school and college tackle shifts from one language to another so often and so comfortably that translation seems second nature to them. TRANSLATION STUDIES The Pedagogy of Translation by Vanamala Viswanatha Translation Studies is a young discipline still in the process of mapping its territory. Attempts have been made to define its boundaries and develop its terrain by scholars working in disciplines as varied as Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Culture Studies, Linguistics and Literary Theory. Viewing translation as a transaction between two languages, the dominant linguistic paradigm has treated it merely as a matter of transfer from the Source Language to the Target Language. There can be two ways of translating: Transliteration and Transcreation. Transliteration or literal translation is word-to-word, phrase-to-phrase or sentence-to-sentence carrying over from the Source Text into the Target Text. This means that the words and terminologies would either require exact equivalents in the Target Language or would have to be put as it is into the Target Text. It may be ideal for texts falling under technical registers. But they would prove extremely difficult when done on cultural texts. The aim of the translation is to reproduce meanings of the Source Text and the immediate effect it produces on the native audience for the readers and audience of another culture in whose language the text is to be translated. But, say, every Hindi word cannot have a counterpart in English because of its vast language and cultural differences in certain connotations and structures. Hence, the literal translation of cultural/literary works would be like forsaking the duty of a translator. On the other hand, transcreation or cultural translation means a partial or complete freedom to the translator in dealing with the Source Text. The translator has to render the Source Text in a recreated form in the Target Language. It involves reading every word and sentence carefully, but it is not only or simply a literal rendering. Another step in translation is termed as Transfer. It is the stage in which the analysed material is transferred in the mind of the translator from the Source Text to the Target Text. The final stage is restructuring the transferred material. The basic structural elements have to be transferred to the Target Language. It has to be ensured in the process of transformation that the same effect the Source Text had should be achieved for the Target Text for its readers. When the translation produces the same effect as on the original audience then the translation can be considered equivalent to the Source Text. PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION The translator has to deal with the problem of finding equivalent words and expressions in the Target Language, which though cannot be substitutes for the expressions in the Source Language, but can come close to it, can raise similar feelings and attitudes in the readers and audiences of the Target Text. Literary and cultural texts suggest rather than describe meanings. Cultural meanings are very specific and their connotations vary with words in other languages. Therefore, it is really difficult to expect equivalence between the texts of two languages separated by two different cultures. The translator has to interpret and analyse the connotative and suggestive of the Source Text and on the basis of his knowledge of the culture of the Target Text; he has to recreate the meanings in the new language. Figures of speech, extended metaphors, idioms, proverbs and allegories pose a great challenge to the translator. Even translating dialogues, forms of dressing, different kinds of food can be difficult when it has strong cultural roots. For example, words like saree, churidar, pan, pallu cannot have an English counterpart. In India, there is a specific word for every familial relationship. For instance, chacha, mama, phupha, tauji are all called uncle in English, similarly nana-nani and dada-dadi are simply grandparents. Also, the suggested meanings of these relationships can never be translated into any other language. To show how the differences in cultural facts can cause difficulties in the translation of metaphors we may look at the symbolic meanings of certain words in different cultures. Owl in English is the symbol of wisdom whereas it symbolizes ill-fortune in Persian and is associated to superstitious beliefs in India. Also, pig, hog and swine are different words for the same animal but these small variations can create big differences in metaphorical meanings: Sam is a pig. Sam is a hog. Sam is a swine. The languages which do not have separate words for these different categories would fail to represent the difference between the discoursal value of the above metaphors. Thus, a literal translation may lead to Target Language metaphors with different and sometimes completely opposite discoursal values. TRANSLATED WRITERS We are now going to talk about a few writers who have brought out very vividly the different cultures of India through their writing in vernacular languages. The languages we are going to focus upon are Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Tamil and Kannada. It is the voice of this marginalized section writing in vernacular languages, especially of the women regional writers, which needs to be heard. This is possible only through translation, which gives them recognition all over the world. RABINDRANATH TAGORE Tagore was the first Indian Nobel Laureate. He won the Nobel Prize in 1930 for his translation of the Gitanjali. His best known works are Gora and Ghare Baire. His works verse, short stories and novels are acclaimed for their lyricism, colloquialism, naturalism and contemplation. Of Tagores prose, his short stories are perhaps most highly regarded indeed he is credited with originating the Bengali language version of the genre. His short stories mostly borrow from the deceptively simple subject matter: common people. The translation of his works into various languages has given people across cultures a glimpse of the world of the Bengali common man. Given below is Robi Duttas translation of his poem Urvashi: No mother thou, no daughter thou Thou art no bride, O maiden fair and free O inhabitant of Nandan Urvasi! GULZAR Sampooran Singh Kalra better known as Gulzar is an Indian poet, lyricist and director. Gulzar primarily works in Hindi-Urdu and also works in Punjabi, several dialects of Hindi like braj bhasha, khadi boli, Haryanvi and Marwari. Gulzar has received many awards including the Padma Bhushan and the Academy Award for his song Jai Ho. He has been widely translated into English and other languages. During the Jaipur Literary Festival, Pawan Varma, an eminent IFS officer who has translated Gulzars poetry, said that he faced a difficulty translating phrases like tip tip and tap tap and Gulzar replied abhi to humne kabutar ki gutar goon shuru bhi nahi ki hai. Sunjoy Shekhar, who has also translated Gulzar calls himself a smuggler trying to surreptitiously smuggle the feelings evoked by Gulzars lyrics across an impermissible, alien wordscape. To give a flavor of the translation of his poetry, given below is a song of his along with its translation: basa cand kraoD,aoM saalaaoM maoM saUrja kI Aaga bauJaogaI jaba AaOr rak, ]D,ogaI saUrja sao jaba kao[- caaMd na DUbaogaa AaOr kao[- ja,maIM na ]BarogaI tba zMDa bauJaa [k kaoyalaa saa TukD,a yao ja,maIM ka GaUmaogaa BaTka BaTka mawma Kiksa~I raoSanaI maoM maOM saaocata hUM ]sa [emailprotected] Aga,r kaga,ja, po ilaKI hu[- naj,ma khIM ]D,to ]D,to saUrja maoM igaro tao saUrja ifr saoo jalanao lagao In a billion years when The suns fire dwindles And ash blows across its surface Then the moon will no longer wane And the land not rise When like a cold, burnt out piece of coal This earth revolves Lost in its gyre Trailing a dying, sepia glow I think then If a poem written on a piece of paper was to waft along And perchance land on the sun The sun would ignite again. AMBAI C. S. Lakshmi was born in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in 1944. Some of her works A Purple Sea and In A Forest, A Deer (2006) have been translated English by Lakshmi Holmstrà ¶m. In 2006, she (along with Lakshmi Holmstrà ¶m) won the Vodafone-Crossword prize. For her contributions to Tamil literature, she received the 2008 Iyal Virudhu. Her work is characterized by her feminism, an eye for detail, and a sense of irony. Exploration of space, silence, coming to terms with ones body or sexuality, and the importance of communication are some of the recurring themes in her works. VIJAYDAN DETHA Vijaydan Detha also known as Bijji is a noted writer from Rajasthan and a recipient of Padma Shri award(2007). He has also received several other awards such as Sahitya Akademi Award and Sahitya Chudamani Award. He has more than 800 short stories to his credit, which are translated into English and other languages. He is co-founder of Rupayan Sansthan with late Komal Kothari, an institute that documents Rajasthani folk-lore, arts and music. His literary works include Bataan ri Phulwari (garden of tales), a fourteen volume collection of stories that draws on folk-lore and spoken dialects of Rajasthan. His stories and novels have been adapted for many plays and movies including Habib Tanvirs Charandas Chor and Amol Palekars Paheli. He once said If you do not want to be a mediocre writer, you should return to your village and write in Rajasthani. 5. SALMA Born in 1968 in Tamil Nadu, Salmas first poetry collection shocked conservative society where women are supposed to remain silent. In 2003, Salma along with three other Tamil women poets faced obscenity charges and violent threats. Salma is now head of the panchayat (local level government body) of Thuvarankurichi, near Trichi in Tamil Nadu. The government of Tamil Nadu has appointed her Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Board. Her novel, translated as Midnight Tales focuses on the inner world of Muslim women in the conservative society of Tamil Nadu in south India. It gives us an insight into what actually goes on in the households of this section of the society and brings it out very effectively. The novel was also long-listed for the Man Asian Prize of 2007. Translating these texts into more widely spoken languages like Hindi and English has taken their voice to a much wider range of readers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hamlet and King Lear :: essays research papers

There are a lot of similarities in two Shakespeare stories HAMLET and KING LEAR. I guess its because of the style in which Shakes peare wrote. William Shakespeare wrote three kinds of stories: comedy, tragedy and history. Both of these books are tragedies and they are very similar tragedies. In both of these stories there is a feud going on within the family. And in both the feud is between the children and their parents or relatives. Hamlet is looking for the revenge on his uncle for killing Hamlets father and hes upset with his mother marrying the murderer. Here Lears evil daughters try to completely destroy their father. Lear calls his daughters and asks them who loves the most. Regan and Goneril lie just to get Lears land and power. Cordelia honestly answers Lear and for that is given away to France, because Lear has gone out of his mind. After Lear gives out almost all his land he realizes his wrongdoing and tries to restore his power. But now its too late, because his daughters already took away all the land. He sees how evil his daughters really are and they dont love him at all, so he curses them. Now Lear appears to be crazy from his actions, but in reality he exactly knows what is going on. Hamlet saw the ghost of his father and it told Hamlet that his uncle killed him to become the king. This shows that the person will even commit murder to get control of the country, just like we see in KING LEAR. After the ghost appeared to Hamlet, he started to act like he was crazy. But just like Lear, in reality he wasnt crazy, he was thinking of how to get back at his uncle. The endings of both stories are very similar. Besides the fact that all the main characters in both stories die, its how they die thats interesting. Because Goneril wants to get Edmund, she poisons her sister Regan. Hamlets uncle wants to poison Hamlet, but by mistake he poisoned his wife, Hamlets mother. Hamlet by mistake kills his uncle servant Polonius. Because of the death of her father Ophelia (Polonius daughter) goes insane and later kills herself. Because Gonerils plan didnt work, she kills herself. At the end there is a duel between Edgar and Edmund, where Edgar kills his bastard brother. At the end of HAMLET there is a duel between Hamlet and Polonius son, where Hamlet wins but in

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Internet Taxation and the Expansion of E-Commerce Essay example -- Tax

Internet Taxation and the Expansion of E-Commerce Internet taxation is an issue concerning different aspects of the Internet and its taxing. The taxes include: (1) taxes imposed upon Internet access fees, (2) sales taxes charged to online businesses selling to other businesses, and (3) sales taxes charged to consumers buying from a business. This is a very important issue as Internet sales continue to increase and as more business is conducted over the Internet. Because of this, revenue is not being pumped into state and local economies as much for lack of purchasing at local stores, and economies’ revenues are suffering as a result. Taxes could be imposed on Internet purchases, but this would in turn affect those businesses who conduct their business online, either business-to-business or business-to-consumer, and those consumers who shop online. Internet Taxation: What it is and Why it is Important As already stated, Internet taxation is the imposition of taxes on Internet access fees and taxes that could be added to goods, services, properties, and information purchased over the Internet. In 1998, Congress passed the Internet Tax Freedom Act which established an Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce. This Commission was set up to study federal, state and local, and international taxation and tariff issues concerning purchases over the Internet, and everything else along with electronic commerce. Electronic commerce, or e-commerce, is â€Å"any transaction conducted over the Internet or through Internet access, comprising the sale, lease, license, offer, or delivery of property, goods, services, or information, whether or not for consideration, and includes the provision of Internet access.† (The Internet Tax... ...mmission on Electronic Commerce, Mar. 8, 2005, Lassman, Kent 2001, The Internet Tax Freedom Act: Congress Could Put an End to Tax Confusion, The Federalist Society, Mar. 8, 2005, Maguire, Steven Dec. 12, 2000, RL30431: Internet Transactions and the Sales Tax, Congress, Mar. 8, 2005, Science/st-65.cfm?&CFID=19433234&CFTOKEN=43272686#_1_3 Nellen, Annette Sept. 26, 2001, Overview to E-Commerce Taxation Issues, San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce, Mar. 8, 2005, facstaff/nellen_a/ECTaxUpdate9-01.doc Taxes-Background on Internet Taxation, January 2001, Association of American Universities, Mar. 8, 2005,

Friday, October 11, 2019

Lets Put Pornography Back in the Closet by Susan Brownmiller

Chad Cummins English 122Y Mr. Fiorenza Analysis Paper The first essay I chose is â€Å"Let’s put pornography back in the closet,† by Susan Brownmiller. I chose this one because I figured analyzing it would not be too difficult after writing about â€Å"First Amendment Junkie,† in a previous assignment. Susan Brownmiller's essay voices her feminist view towards pornographic material. Her claim is that without restriction, the first amendment has allowed women to be publicly perceived as objects. The first amendment gives American citizens the right to free speech, and in Brownmiller's opinion the nation abuses that right.Obscenity laws have been in place since the early seventies, but according to Brownmiller, the Court has ruled sexually explicit content not obscene many times throughout history. By her bringing up the Hollywood ten makes readers think that the directors of pornography should also go to jail. Her feminist view is that graphic pornographic content is obscene when it degrades women. Sexual material with educational or objective purpose is fine, as long as there is no dehumanizing or demeaning of women.Brownmiller's opinion is that porn turns women into objects, and is advertised in such a way that the public perception of women is that they are just material objects. She thinks material that humiliates women in this way should be restricted, shut away from the public eye. Instead it gets flaunted as it's been in the past. One example she chooses to fight her case is that if the public perception of women is that they are objects, a rapist might safely think he's done nothing wrong. She says it makes a rapist feel like he is merely giving into normal urges.Brownmiller implicitly anticipates many angles for argument in her essay. She goes after the argument one might make that pornography is a form of art. Her opinion is that the porn industry is an unethical professional business using high standards of visual technology. They get away with it now because it is skillfully filmed and edited, to have a good design of artful grace. Another argument she predicts is the opposition made by the Court saying that no one is â€Å"compelled to look†. Her opinion is that with porn having the ability to flaunt tself openly to the general public without the filtering of degrading explicit content, it just throws itself in the face of the public. Brownmiller has said one possible solution at least to her would be to get the stuff out of sight. She wants to leave it up to the legislators. Let them be the judge if pornography should be kept out in the public eye. In conclusion, Brownmiller laid out the main points to a big problem in America. The issue of freedom of speech, and if there are any limitations. Using pornography as an example made a very good argument for this topic.The second essay I chose to analyze is â€Å"protecting Freedom of Expression on Campus,† by Derek Bok. I chose this as my second essay because; I assumed it would relate to m more closely due to the fact that I am a college student. In â€Å"Protecting Freedom of Expression on the Campus†, the author, Derek Bok shows how expressing yourself falls under the First Amendment, whether it is on a private college campus or public college campus. He further explains that just because it is protected by law does not mean that it is â€Å"right, proper, or civil.Bok goes on to show how censoring freedom of speech would cause people to â€Å"test the limits† to gain more attention than is needed and if dealt with in the proper manner. The author starts off with a strong example of Harvard students displaying a confederate flag and swastika. Freedom of expression is a right and should not be used inappropriately. The First Amendment rights have caused much controversy because it allows people to say, act, or feel how they see fit; for example, hanging of a Confederate flag or displaying a swastika in pub lic view.It is a very hard and intense act; although it is their right to do so. According to the Supreme Court’s ruling, the displaying of these symbols is protected under the First Amendment. Regretfully, people act and react because they are offended by things like this, but it is one of our many freedoms as Americans. Although it cannot be prohibited it should be responded to in such a way they do not feel put down or that they are wrong in expressing themselves, but rather suggest to them that it is hurtful and offensive to others.We have the right to be offended as others have the right to display or express their own interests. Diverse communities in the United States set certain laws to protect their properties from being vandalized with graffiti and protect them from loud noise; rules of this kind should be evenly upheld in order to not discriminate for or against anybody’s opinions or ideas. If the governing authorities see fit to change the laws to prohibit such expressions, they should be cautious.Bok says we are faced with the main example of, the conflict between our commitment to free speech and our desire to have a community founded on mutual respect. Bok shows that power of censorship is very dangerous because declaring certain things offensive will create a lot of attention. The stance Bok sticks with throughout the article is clear. He thinks appropriate officials and faculty members should take the lead on education students on what these actions do to others.He also thinks ignoring the displays would work because students would not have such an urge to put them on. It would be safer than prohibiting them, because all that does is give the violators more of a reason to act out. In conclusion, bringing up the example of the Harvard students displaying confederate flags was a good way to show his main point. The main idea is trying to bring out the difference between free speech and offensive material. This was a good way to bri ng up a huge problem that our nation is facing in the world today.